Faerie Symphony (7262222)

Faerie Symphony
Tempus Fugit
Germany, West Germany

Fearie Symphony and Other Stories. SOC
Collaboration: Tom Newman.

CD is called "Faerie Symphony and Other Stories".
Contains Tom Newman's album Fearie Symphony and bonus tracks: Sad Sing / Excerpt from Stonehenge / Will You be Mine in the Morning? / Excerpt from Concierto de Mango in E Major / Day of the Percherons (Demo) / The Soujourn to the Dun of Culann the Smith / The Courting of Emer / Superman (Demo) / Cycle for Moving Dunes

Black-green picture CD with face. Round red sticker on cover "featuring Mike Oldfield - check track 9/14/18/22 and others).

Rainer Muenz

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