Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view Ommadawn Emial Sa Greece CASSETTE GRE 262VG50010 1978 White MC, blue printing
view Tubular Bells Virgin CASSETTE GRE TCVG50011 1978 White MC, blue printing
view Qe2 Virgin CASSETTE GRE 262VG50052 1980
view Crises Emi CASSETTE GRE 262VG50006 1983 white MC, blue printing
view The Killing Fields Virgin CASSETTE GRE 262VG50096 1984 Grey tape, blue printing
view The Complete Virgin CASSETTE GRE 262VG50138 1985 White MC, blue printing
view Islands Emi CASSETTE GRE TCVG50306 1987 White MC, blue printing
view Earth Moving Virgin CASSETTE GRE VG50461 1989 Grey MC, blue printing.
8 Item(s)


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