Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view Platinum Imd CASSETTE IND IMD6618 1979 grey MC, white label
view Airborn Imd CASSETTE IND IMD6791 1980 beige MC, white sticker
view Airborn Imd CASSETTE IND IMD6791 1980 grey MC
view Airborn Yess CASSETTE IND 311 1980 Black cassete, white label
view Crises Atlantic Recording CASSETTE IND AR186 1983 Counterfeit release
view Tubular Bells Aquarius Musikindo CASSETTE IND TCV2001 1988 transparent MC
view The Complete Aquarius Musikindo CASSETTE IND TMOC1 1989 transparent tape
view The Complete Aquarius Musikindo CASSETTE IND EV0389 1989 re-release - white MC
view Heaven's Open Aquarius Musikindo CASSETTE IND EV1111 1991 Transparent MC.
view Tubular Bells 2 Aquarius Musikindo CASSETTE IND 4509906184 1992 transparent MC
view The Millennium Bell Warner Music CASSETTE IND HW5653 2000 SOC, transparent tape
view The Millennium Bell Warner Music CASSETTE IND HW5653 2000 Transparent tape
12 Item(s)


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