Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view Family Man Ariola Eurodisc 7" ES B103793 1982 Green-red label. Soft cover. 1...
view Family Man Pyral 7" FRA NONUMBER 1982 Acetate
view Family Man Virgin 7" FRA 104703 1982 Green label
view Family Man Virgin 7" SWE VS489 1982 Green-red label
view Family Man Virgin 7" UK VS489 1982 Red label with black parts. Pr...
view Family Man Virgin 7" UK VS489 1982 Red label with black parts. Ha...
view Family Man Virgin 7" UK VS489 1982 Red label with black parts. So...
view Family Man Virgin 7" UK VS489 1982 Green-red label. Hard cover
view Family Man Virgin 7" UK VS489 1982 Green-red label. Soft cover
view Family Man Virgin 7" UK VSY489 1982 Picture-Disc. Group picture
view Family Man Polygram 7" CAN NONUMBER 1982
view Family Man Epic 7" USA 1402877 1982 Black Epic-label. No PS
view Family Man Warner Bros 7" RSA VS504 1982 Green-red label.
view Family Man Bertelsmann 7" MEX S723 1982 Green-red label. Firm PS, Promo
view Family Man Bertelsmann 7" MEX S723 1982 Green-red label.
view Family Man Polygram 7" CAN VS1141 1982 Grey label. No PS.
view Family Man Polygram 7" CAN VS1141 1982 Blue label, black printing. No PS
view Family Man Epic 7" USA 1402877 1982 Blue Epic label and Epic sleeve
view Family Man Ariola Eurodisc 7" ES B103793 1982 WLP. 125 Ptas PS
view Family Man Epic 7" USA 1402877 1982 ZSS1700... Different label
view Family Man Utopia 7" UK NONUMBER 1982 Acetate
view Family Man Virgin 7" UK VSY489 1982 Picture-Disc. Mike solo picture
view Family Man Ariola Eurodisc 7" ES B103793 1982 Green-red label. Washable PS. ...
view Five Miles Out Ariola LP D 204500320 1982 204500A... Art Label: The Plane
view Five Miles Out Sunrise CASSETTE TAI V42222 1982
view Five Miles Out Edisom LP POR 605105 1982 FOC, Green-red label
view Five Miles Out Virgin LP GRE 2473832 1982 WLP. Testpressing
view Five Miles Out Jugoton LP YU LSVIRG1... 1982 Green-red label
view Five Miles Out Virgin LP D 204500270 1982 Art label: The Plane
view Five Miles Out Imp LP POL 00103IMP 1982 Yellow label. Counterfeit. No FOC
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