Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view The Killing Fields Virgin France LP FRA 70301PM262 1984 PS: La Déchirure, Green-Red la...
view The Killing Fields Virgin France LP FRA 70301PM262 1984 Promo. Reissue. Green-red label.
view The Killing Fields Polyband VHS D 70352 1984 PAL.
view The Killing Fields Virgin France LP FRA 70301PM262 1984 M6347999 PS,La Déchirure,Green/Red Label
view The Killing Fields Yeheum Records LP KOR YVPL080 1984 Obi+Insert..Green-red Label
view The Killing Fields Virgin CD D CDV2328 1984 blue CD letters in bold. No b...
view The Killing Fields Virgin LP GRE VG50096 1984 green-red label
view The Killing Fields Virgin CD USA 290591 1984 blue CD from UK
view The Killing Fields Thorn Emi VIDEO 2000 UK TPZ9031303 1984 PAL
view The Killing Fields Virgin Spain CASSETTE ES EE406707 1984 white MC, black printing
view The Killing Fields Nordisk Film DVD DK 1810331 1984
view The Killing Fields Virgin Spain LP ES E206707 1984 Green-red label
view The Killing Fields Virgin CD UK CDV2328 1984 blue CD, no barcode
view The Killing Fields Cbs LP AUS V2328 1984 MX215201 White label. Promo
view The Killing Fields Virgin LP D 206707620 1984 Green-red label. Promo.
view The Killing Fields Virgin LP D 206707620 1984 grey & white label
view The Killing Fields Speciality Records LP USA 905911 1984 White label. Testpressing. No PC
view The Killing Fields Epic LP USA 1-90591 1984 Epic label. Original
view The Killing Fields Virgin Canada LP CAN VL2317 1984 Red label
view The Killing Fields Sunrise LP TAI 3099 1984 Green / Red label SOC
view The Killing Fields Virgin France LP FRA 70301PM262 1984 SOC. Green-red label. Reissue.
view The Killing Fields Virgin Dischi LP ITA V2328 1984 green-red label
view The Killing Fields Rca LP BRA V2328 1984 Promo. White label
view The Killing Fields Bertelsmann LP MEX LAE619 1984 green-red label. SOC
view The Killing Fields Virgin LP ISR V2328 1984 red-green label. Hebrian SOC
view The Killing Fields Virgin LP RSA VNC5059 1984 green-red label
view The Killing Fields Rca CASSETTE ARG TMS60135 1984 white MC
view The Killing Fields Virgin CASSETTE D 406707 1984 white MC, black printing
view The Killing Fields Rock Records CASSETTE TAI V2328 1984
view The Killing Fields Sunrise CASSETTE TAI 43099 1984
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