Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view The Complete Virgin Canada CASSETTE CAN VD42345 1985 black tape, white printing
view The Complete Cbs LP AUS MOC1 1985 Green-red label. SOC. Promo
view The Complete Virgin Spain LP ES XL302678 1985 2LP FOC Art label: the swallow
view The Complete Virgin CASSETTE D 502678421 1985 2 MC, black tapes white printing
view The Complete Virgin CASSETTE D 502678508 1985 2 MC, black tapes white printing
view The Complete Virgin LP D 302678503 1985 2LP, art label: the swallow, SOC
view The Complete Virgin CASSETTE D 502678508 1985 2 MC, white MCs, black printing
view The Complete Virgin LP UK MOC1 1985 1-LP. white label, testpressing.
view The Complete Virgin LP UK MOC1 1985 3-LP one-sided testpressings. ...
view The Complete Virgin LP D 302678503 1985 2-LP. Swallow label. Incl. "Mi...
view The Complete Virgin LP FRA 60041PM917 1985 2-LP. Swallow label.
view The Complete Virgin LP UK MOC1 1985 2LP. Swallow label. Diff. trac...
view The Complete Virgin Japan LP JAP VJL1001 1985 Promo, obi + insert. SOC. Gree...
view The Complete Toshiba / Emi LP JAP 20VB1059 1985 WLP Obi + insert
view The Complete Virgin LP GRE 162VG50... 1985 2LP green-red labels
view The Complete Toshiba / Emi LP JAP 20VB1059 1985 2LP. Green/red label. Obi + in...
view The Complete Virgin Dischi LP ITA MOC1 1985 2LP, green-red label
view The Complete Virgin LP D 302678 1985 Swallow Drinking label
view The Complete Virgin Spain LP ES XL302678 1985 green-red label
view The Complete Virgin LP D MOC1 1985 SOC - 2 LP art label: the swallow
view The Complete Virgin LP D 302676 1985 Swallow Drinking Label
view The Complete Virgin Canada LP CAN VD2345 1985 Promo. 2LP red label
view The Complete Virgin LP D 302689503 1985 SOC art label : the swallow
view The Complete Virgin Canada LP CAN VD2345 1985 2-LP. Red label
view The Complete Virgin LP UK MOC1 1985 Art label : the swallow
view The Complete Jugoton LP YU LSVIRG7... 1985 LSVIRG7... Green/Red Virgin Labem
view The Complete Cbs LP ISR MOC1 1985 2-LP. Art label: swallow
view The Complete Virgin LP D 302689503 1985 2LP, Swallow label. SOC. With ...
view The Complete Virgin LP ZW VNC5072 1985 White label with green lettering
view The Complete Jugoton LP YU LSVIRG7... 1985 green-red label. Misprinted
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