Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view Children Of The Sun Transatlantic LP UK TRA176 1968 A2B1 Promo, White Plain Cover, SOC,...
view Children Of The Sun Warner Bros LP CAN WS1783 1968 A1BB1B Golden label, Promo
view Children Of The Sun Warner Bros LP USA WS1783 1968 Green label
view Children Of The Sun Transatlantic LP D 0064022 1968 Children PS in B/W
view Children Of The Sun Transatlantic LP UK TRA176 1968 Original photo PS FOC
view Children Of The Sun Transatlantic LP D 0064022 1968 Children PS. Different printin...
view Children Of The Sun Transatlantic LP FRA TRA176 1968 original photo, PS
view Children Of The Sun Warner Bros LP CAN WS1783 1968 Golden Label
view Children Of The Sun Transatlantic LP UK TRA176 1968 TRA176A1E Children PS with brown cat. no.
view Children Of The Sun Warner Bros LP USA WS1783 1968 WLP FOC Original photo PS
view Children Of The Sun Polygram CASSETTE D 8119244 1968 clear tape, black label
view Children Of The Sun Warner Bros 4 TRACK USA 4WA1783 1968 Four Track Cartridge
view Children Of The Sun Transatlantic LP NL 03862631 1968 Children PS in B/W
view Lady Mary Transatlantic 10" UK NONUMBER 1968 acetate, white label
view Lady Go Lightly Mercury Records 7" USA NONUMBER 1969 Demo
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