Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view Portsmouth Polydor 7" FRA 2097914 1977 Blue Label 2. Edition. Back co...
view Portsmouth Polydor 7" FRA 2097914 1977 Blue Label 2. Edition. Back co...
view Portsmouth Polydor 7" FRA 103134 1977 Green label, 3. Edition
view Portsmouth Polydor 7" FRA 103134 1977 Green label with twins, 3. Edi...
view Portsmouth Polydor 7" FRA 2097914 1977 Blue Label 2. Edition. Black-w...
view Rock Bottom Polydor LP FRA 2933715 1977 Green label with twins
view Skuggornas Tjuvstart Love Records LP SWE LRLP219 1977 SOC. White label.
view Skuggornas Tjuvstart Love Records LP SWE LRLP219 1977 Finnish press for Swedish market
view Star Harvest Records 7" UK HAR5124 1977 Green EMI Harvest label. Promo...
view Star Harvest Records 7" UK HAR5124 1977 Green EMI Harvest label. No PS
view The Mathematician... Virgin LP UK V2084 1977 Green label with twins
view The Mathematician... Virgin LP UK V2084 1977 SOC, green label with twins
view The Odissey Nippon Columbia LP JAP YX7168VR 1977 Promo. Obi + 12"x12" Insert
view The Odissey Nippon Columbia LP JAP YX7168VR 1977 green label with twins in circ...
view The Odissey Polydor LP FRA 2933735 1977 green label with twins
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