profile luism6's Items

Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view Pictures In The Dark Virgin 12" UK VS83612 1985 Black label
view Pictures In The Dark Virgin 7" UK VS836 1985 Black label
view Pictures In The Dark Virgin Spain 7" ES A107850 1985 Green-Red Label
view Pictures In The Dark Virgin Spain 12" ES F602070 1985 Green-Red Label
view The Complete Virgin Spain LP ES XL302678 1985 2LP FOC Art label: the swallow
view The Complete Virgin Spain 12" ES VP020 1985 Green-red label. Promo
view The Complete Virgin CASSETTE UK CMOC1 1985 2MC - black MCs
view The Complete Virgin LP D 302678503 1985 2LP, art label: the swallow, SOC
view The Complete Virgin LP FRA 60041PM917 1985 2-LP. Swallow label.
view In High Places Virgin 12" ES F609205 1986 Green-red label.
view Shine Virgin 7" UK VS863 1986 Art label: cover in purple. Ha...
view Shine Virgin 7" UK VSS863 1986 Shaped Disc
view Shine Virgin Spain 7" ES A108134 1986 Green-Red Label
view The Orchestral Tu... Virgin CD UK CDV2026 1986 silver CD, black printing 1....
view In High Places Virgin Spain 7" ES A109205 1987 Green-Red Label
345 Item(s)
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