Title descasc Record Co. descasc Format descasc Country descasc Cat. Num descasc Year descasc Matrix descasc Comments
view Tubular Bells Virgin 8 TRACK USA TP13135 1979 Black cartridge
view Tubular Bells Dischi Ricordi LP ITA VIL12001 1979 Green-red label. Missprinted
view Tubular Bells Steinar LP ICE V2001 1979 green-red labels. Year NOT con...
view Tubular Bells Philips 7" COL 331 1979 Promo with Virgins in circle
view Tubular Bells Virgin LP UK V2001 1979 Green / Red label. Different l...
view Tubular Bells Virgin LP UK V2001 1979 Green/red label. No twins on l...
view Tubular Bells Polydor CASSETTE FRA 3222722 1979 grey MC, blue label
view Tubular Bells Philips LP COL 9124126 1979 green label with twins
view Tubular Bells Rpm Record LP RSA VNC5006 1979 Green/red label.
view Tubular Bells Vadeca Jc Donas LP POR VV33021V 1979 Green-red label, reissue
view Tubular Bells Polydor LP FRA 2933722 1979 black label
view Tubular Bells Atlantic Recording LP USA VA13135 1979 white label, ST-VA-794397-SP
view Tubular Bells Atlantic Recording LP USA VA13135 1979 White label, ST-VA-794397-AR
view Tubular Bells Gallo CASSETTE RSA MC4262 1979 Grey MC, red label.
view Tubular Bells Virgin LP UK V2001 1979 Green / Red label
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