6038 Mensajes
El periódico británico The Telegraph ha realizado una entrevista a Mike Oldfield para su sección de viajes, Travel, sobre la capital de las Bahamas donde reside actualmente. Ahí va el enlace y el texto. ¿Para cuándo una kedada oldfídica en su pub habitual?
The musician Mike Oldfield, who performed Tubular Bells at the Olympics opening ceremony, WHY NASSAU? It’s a lively, friendly little city by the water which has a charming, 1950s style British feel to it. It has good shopping, some beautiful old colonial buildings and is pretty low-rise, with very few tall modern buildings, unlike some places in the Caribbean. And it’s the perfect springboard from which to enjoy the rest of the Bahamas. ANYTHING SPECIAL I SHOULD PACK? Being in the tropics, it can get pretty hot in the summer, so take shorts, a hat and sandals. It’s never really cold and even in winter the weather’s more like the British spring. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU DO? I like to go and look at the cruise ships down by the waterfront, admire the Bahamian parliament buildings and then maybe head down to Cable Beach’s golden sands. WHICH IS THE BEST PLACE TO STAY? It’s got to be the Graycliff Hotel (001 242 302 9150; graycliff.com; doubles from £208), an old colonial mansion-turned-hotel where everyone from the Duke and Duchess of Windsor to Winston Churchill have stayed. WHERE WOULD YOU MEET FRIENDS FOR A DRINK? I often pop into the Blu Restaurant Bar Lounge (Elizabeth on Bay; 328 8258; facebook.com/blu.restaurant.bar.lounge) for a drink. It’s the place to be seen right now. WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE FOR LUNCH? If I’m going to have lunch in town, I’ll more often than not eat at the Blu Restaurant Bar Lounge too. The Mediterranean-style food they serve is excellent and you’re right by the water. AND FOR DINNER? One of my favourite restaurants is Matisse (356 7012; cafe-matisse.com) which serves amazing Italian food – I usually go for the delicious home-made pasta – and also has a nice outdoor dining area. WHERE WOULD YOU SEND A FIRST-TIME VISITOR? If you have children you’ve got to take them to Aquaventure, the water park in the nearby Atlantis Paradise Island resort. But a visit to Nassau is, above all, about the Bahamas’ little islands and boats. So once you’ve seen the city’s waterfront and its colonial architecture, and done a bit of shopping in Bay Street, hire a boat and head out to somewhere like Rose Island. WHAT SHOULD I AVOID? It’s a pretty safe city for the Caribbean. That said, I wouldn’t walk around some of the more inland areas of town late at night. WHAT SHOULD I BRING HOME? A suntan, and the relaxed state of mind you get from being in the Bahamas any length of time. ANYWHERE THAT ISN’T YOUR KIND OF TOWN? There is usually something worth seeing in most places if you seek it out. That said, I think some cities in the Caribbean have been overly commercialised. Fortunately, Nassau hasn’t gone that way.
Mike Oldfield’s latest album, 'Two Sides: The Very Best of Mike Oldfield’, is out now 11 Agosto 2012, 4:12:57 |
1864 Mensajes
...in the beginning there was sound...
Uf!! Mucho chill-out y mucho lounge hay en ese sitio...!! A ver si el disco de rock va a peligrar... 11 Agosto 2012, 4:50:10 |
407 Mensajes
Afghan dijo: TOtalmente de acuerdo.
Por más seccion de viajes que sea, creo recordar que el Telegraph es un diario serio. Con esas preguntas y teniendo en cuenta la fama/popularidad del entrevistado, no os parece que la cosa deriva peligrosamente hacia el talante de prensa rosa (tabloides allí?)?????? 11 Agosto 2012, 23:58:31 |
5246 Mensajes
Mira detrás de tí, un mono de tres cabezas
Aquí hay algo que no encaja, el tito no concedía tantas entrevistas desde 1978
13 Agosto 2012, 10:10:07 |
588 Mensajes
Bueno, desde 1992-3 13 Agosto 2012, 16:41:05 |
1603 Mensajes
No puedo parar de decir Kastañaka....
Mas que concederlas que se las soliciten...y aunque sea tangencialmente para hablar de música, no como aquel bochornoso reportaje playero-bahameño (que por otra parte tantas horas de buenos ratos nos otorgó...) 13 Agosto 2012, 18:28:42 |
6038 Mensajes
Pues la entrevista habría molado mucho más con una foto nueva en turbotanga. 13 Agosto 2012, 21:26:33 |
995 Mensajes
Grand piano!!
fairlight dijo: Os pongo cita de un comentario de Mick Hutson al hacerle notar el uso de su foto del paraguas en Two Sides, acerca de esa instantánea (también le hizo las fotos del turbotanga, pero no me atrevo a preguntarle!!) "thank you.. it was never the brightest idea to get one of the worlds most famous musicians to put up an umbrella in the middle of a lightning storm in the Bahamas.. he was totally aware of the imminent threat of BBQ .. but loved it.. I was kind of glad when we'd finished tho.. even my public liability insurance doesn't cover having tubular bells evaporated" TRAD. gracias! No fue la idea más brillante hacer sostener a uno de los músicos más famosos del mundo un paraguas enmedio de una tormenta con rayos en las Bahamas... él era totalmente consciente de la inmediata amenaza de un momento barbacoa... pero le encantó... me alegré cuando finalizamos... dado que mi seguro de responsabilidad civil no cubre haber hecho evaporarse las campanas tubulares..." 13 Agosto 2012, 23:31:37 |
6038 Mensajes
Anda que si le llega a partir un rayo... 13 Agosto 2012, 23:54:49 |
5246 Mensajes
Mira detrás de tí, un mono de tres cabezas
olias dijo: A lo que me vengo a referir que no deja de ser interesante (y hasta cierto punto esperanzador) esta nueva etapa con tanta preocupación por los medios de comunicación. Además, sin ser nada del otro mundo, el contenido de las entrevistas supera la media de coherencia de Oldfield. 14 Agosto 2012, 13:21:12 |
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