Tubular Net 2011 The Album
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.

 To celebrate Mike's 58th Birthday the musicians over at www.tubular.net have created an Album especially for Mike.

Comprising Three Discs.

Disc One ...Original songs inspired by Mike Oldfield.

Disc Two ... Remixes of Mike Oldfield tracks and Cover versions and also Collaborations between members.

There is a third disc of bonus material as well.

The website for the album is www.thetubularnetgroup.weebly.com. which will open fully on Mikes Birthday.

There are a few songs avaliable now to listen too.


This is a free album.


As our Admins have contact with Mike we hope to get this to him in time.

I'm sure any fan of Mikes would love the music please listen/download and leave a comment.

You can also leave Mike a Birthday greating.

And join our private forum for musical discussion.


As this is a truely global Album I'm sure 1 or 2 members are here on this site already.

Cheers Milamber.

12 Abril 2011, 10:07:08
2286 Mensajes
Citar a a RAFA2009
Oldfield tiene una carencia de técnica guitarrística lamentable (1979)

Thanks !!!

12 Abril 2011, 11:03:16
Unknown Man
Unknown Man
4963 Mensajes
Citar a a Unknown Man
I'd like to be on renoback

¡Hi, Cameron. Great Job! But I Have a question:

¿Can more people send their songs or is closed the compilation? Here there are very talented artists. ;)

12 Abril 2011, 19:34:59
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.

 Sorry Unknown Man submissions have now closed.

Any submissions could only come from Tubular Net members anyway.


I did send an invite to Viper (as He posts there) but he did not get back to me.

13 Abril 2011, 8:24:00
1443 Mensajes
Citar a a TENLLADO

If there is not cover I propose this idea if it is valid,


13 Abril 2011, 11:41:27
2410 Mensajes
Citar a a Timcross
Me encantan los emoticonos GORDOS...

qué guapo!!!


how beautiful!

"After All These Years" en Spotify

Timcross: "Amazing" forero
13 Abril 2011, 12:22:51
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.

 Wow that really is beutiful work Tenllado, We already have the covers but with your permission I could ask the Admins at Tubular Net to use it for advertising on their Main Page for the Albums?


And the birthday website as well.


Disc One cover,



Message edited on 13/04/2011 14:27:16 by cameron
Message edited on 13/04/2011 14:36:20 by cameron
Message edited on 13/04/2011 14:37:36 by cameron

13 Abril 2011, 14:22:19
1443 Mensajes
Citar a a TENLLADO

Thanks Cameron no problem you can use this,


Reagards, Tenllado

13 Abril 2011, 14:51:36
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.

 Thank you Tenllado :) if you email me at drumman5150@live.com 


I'll send you the password to hear the Album early.




Parts of disc 2 are still waiting finalisation though all of disc one is ready to go.


Cheers Cam (Milamber).




Greak Work.

Message edited on 13/04/2011 15:49:34 by cameron

13 Abril 2011, 14:58:58
1443 Mensajes
Citar a a TENLLADO

Thank you Cameron and I emailed (One version is a poster)

13 Abril 2011, 15:44:57
Unknown Man
Unknown Man
4963 Mensajes
Citar a a Unknown Man
I'd like to be on renoback

¡Tenllado for mike-oldfield's Ambassador!

Ya iba siendo hora de que los mejores retratos de Oldfield se usasen para un acontecimiento especial.

Already it's time for Oldfield's best portraits are used for a special event.

13 Abril 2011, 16:39:24
1443 Mensajes
Citar a a TENLLADO

Gracias Unk,


escuchando el disco 1

13 Abril 2011, 17:30:52
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.

 I have added your lovely pic to the Birthday website.


Thanks again Tenllado.




For everyone here is a very good track from the album.




Skywings by Mark Savage







Message edited on 14/04/2011 9:53:33 by cameron

14 Abril 2011, 9:52:12
1443 Mensajes
Citar a a TENLLADO

Thanks to you Cameron for added


Good theme………… Skywing is very Oldfield style!!!!

Mensaje editado el 14/04/2011 10:09:07 por TENLLADO

14 Abril 2011, 10:06:42
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.

 Maybe on his Birthday Mike will see your picture first at the website

14 Abril 2011, 10:20:42
1443 Mensajes
Citar a a TENLLADO

14 Abril 2011, 10:30:28
37 Mensajes
Citar a a tambourine

Donde puedo descargar este doble album??? He entrado en la seccion Download de www.thetubularnetgroup.weebly.com pero me pide password para acceder. Alguien seria tan amable de ayudarme??? Saludos y gracias por adelantado.

15 Abril 2011, 15:13:08
6039 Mensajes
Citar a a fairlight


tambourine va dir:

Donde puedo descargar este doble album??? He entrado en la seccion Download de www.thetubularnetgroup.weebly.com pero me pide password para acceder. Alguien seria tan amable de ayudarme??? Saludos y gracias por adelantado.

Si lees el mensaje original, dice que estará disponible para libre descarga el día del cumpleaños de Mike. 


Thanks for the heads up, cameron!


By the way, is that difficult for regular forum users to reply in the same language that has been used in the first post of the thread?

15 Abril 2011, 15:41:17
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.


Escriba una oración o frase ... Para celebrar el 58 cumpleaños de Mike de los músicos más www.tubular.net en haber creado un álbum especial para Mike.

Consta de tres discos.

Un disco ... canciones originales inspiradas por Mike Oldfield.

El sitio web para el álbum es www.thetubularnetgroup.weebly.com. que se abrirá totalmente en el cumpleaños de Mike.

Hay un par de canciones disponibles ahora para escuchar también.

A medida que nuestros administradores tienen contacto con Mike esperamos conseguir esto a él en el tiempo.

Como se trata de un álbum verdaderamente global Estoy seguro de 1 o 2 miembros están aquí en este sitio ya.

Milamber Saludos.
Message edited on 18/04/2011 8:22:50 by cameron

15 Abril 2011, 16:16:59
37 Mensajes
Citar a a tambourine

Sorry, fairlight. it's all my fault. Next time, I'll read the complete message. Thanks. I'll wait Oldfield's birthday to begin the download. Bye.

15 Abril 2011, 16:24:02
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.

 I had 6 mins left for Disc One.

Now Viper has a track on the album...Memory   

Made it with 14 seconds left , for 80 min Album

He has a track on Disc Two as well.


Now all Album is full .

Thanks Viper

16 Abril 2011, 10:27:57
8470 Mensajes
Citar a a Viper
I'd rather be with you than flying through space.


cameron dijo:

 I had 6 mins left for Disc One.

Now Viper has a track on the album...Memory   

Made it with 14 seconds left , for 80 min Album

He has a track on Disc Two as well.


Now all Album is full .

Thanks Viper


Thanks to you for the opportunity. ;D

16 Abril 2011, 16:46:30
2908 Mensajes
Citar a a tubak
Es inútil hacer algo a prueba de tontos, porque los tontos son muy ingeniosos Mi Feisbuk...

Que pena que este tema no sea de Oldfield, él sería incapaz ya de hacer algo así tristemente. Me encanta, a ver como será el recopilatorio entero, y espero como agua de mayo el tema de Viper que tiene que ser fino (como siempre).


17 Abril 2011, 21:48:41
10 Mensajes
Citar a a cameron
A private forum for Music Discussion and Creation. The Hibernaculum.

 The Album is Now Avaliable ....Happy Birthday Mike.


El álbum está ya disponible ... Mike cumpleaños feliz.


Cheers Cam.



15 Mayo 2011, 9:32:29


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