22 Mensajes
I've always wondered about the meaning of this song:
I'm half a crazy man Waiting for confirmation Signs keep changing and I need some more information
Some tricks of the light You never know Make a flickering midnight light Into a glow
It's a trick of the light It's a trick of the light
Something tells me how Her bright blue eyes are smiling She turns her head now Will she won't deny him
Some tricks of the light You never know Make a flickering midnight light Into a glow And the spark you saw so bright Was just for show Could it ever have turned out right You'll never know
It's a trick of the light It's a trick of the light
She turns and take his hand Breaking his concentration She burns at his command Makes some transfiguration
So a "trick of the light" would be something that it isn't, pretends to be but it is NOT. Sort of a "temptation".... the devil's ("SHADE") temptation.
And the "transfiguration" then it would be: the Transfiguration of Jesus.
The Transfiguration of Jesus is an event reported by the Synoptic Gospels in which Jesus was transfigured upon a mountain (Matthew 17:1-6, Mark 9:1-8, Luke 9:28-36). The original Greek term in the Gospels is metamorphothe, describing Jesus as having undergone metamorphosis.
The Gospels state that Jesus led three of his apostles - Peter, John the Apostle, and James the Great - to pray at the top of a mountain. Once at the top, Jesus became transfigured, his face shining like the sun, and his clothes a brilliant white. They claim that Elijah and Moses suddenly appeared with Jesus and talked with him; Matthew and Mark do not say what the conversation was about, but Luke states that it was about Jesus' future death. Once they had spoken with each other, the Gospels state that a bright cloud overshadowed them (Luke also says they entered into the cloud), and a voice from the cloud proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," paralleling a similar event during the Baptism of Jesus. However, this time the voice adds, "Hear him."
Traditionally, the event was considered to have literally happened, and it was believed that the event took place on Mount Tabor.
In the narrative, after the cloud dissipates, Elijah and Moses disappear, and Jesus and the three Apostles head down the mountain, Jesus telling his Apostles to keep the event a secret until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. The Apostles are described as questioning among themselves as to what Jesus meant by "risen from the dead" (Mark 9:9-10) The Apostles are also described as questioning Jesus about Elijah, and he as responding ...Elijah comes first, and restores all things ... but ... Elijah has come indeed ... (Mark 9:12-13). It was commonly believed that Elijah would reappear before the coming of the Messiah, as predicted in the Book of Malachi (Malachi 4), and the three Apostles are described as interpreting Jesus' statement as a reference to John the Baptist.
2 Peter and the Gospel of John briefly allude to the event in their writings (2 Peter 1:16-18, John 1:14). Peter describes himself as an eyewitness `of his sovereign majesty.`
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Transfiguration_ of_Jesus
Cette image aussi est interprétée dans le sens ufologique dans plusieurs sites web. Voici le commentaire que l’on peut lire dans les pages de Edicolaweb: "Fresque du XIVème siècle qui se trouve à Kiev; on y voit clairement la représentation de Jésus dans une fusée en phase ascensionnelle, soutenu par des anges debout sur deux nuages qui bougent de façon synchrone vers le haut, avec le sillage qui met en évidence ce mouvement ascensionnel."
Il aurait suffit d’ouvrir les Evangiles et lire la description de cette scène pour comprendre le sujet du dessin. Voici la Transfiguration décrite dans l’évangile selon Marc: " Six jours après, Jésus prit avec lui Pierre, Jacques et Jean, et il les conduisit seuls à l'écart sur une haute montagne. Il fut transfiguré devant eux; ses vêtements devinrent resplendissants, et d'une telle blancheur qu'il n'est pas de foulon sur la terre qui puisse blanchir ainsi. Élie et Moïse leur apparurent, s'entretenant avec Jésus. Pierre, prenant la parole, dit à Jésus: Rabbi, il est bon que nous soyons ici; dressons trois tentes, une pour toi, une pour Moïse, et une pour Élie. Car il ne savait que dire, l'effroi les ayant saisis. Une nuée vint les couvrir, et de la nuée sortit une voix: Celui-ci est mon Fils bien-aimé: écoutez-le! Aussitôt les disciples regardèrent tout autour, et ils ne virent que Jésus seul avec eux. Comme ils descendaient de la montagne, Jésus leur recommanda de ne dire à personne ce qu'ils avaient vu, jusqu'à ce que le Fils de l'homme fût ressuscité des morts. Ils retinrent cette parole, se demandant entre eux ce que c'est que ressusciter des morts. "
Et voici encore des cas presque identiques de représentations de style byzantin, à travers les siècles :
Interesting, I'm gonna look for more Mike Oldfield's riddles
IAO | O |
24 Enero 2007, 8:12:34 |