DVD Tree
44 Mensajes
Hi I saw a few weeks ago, that a DVD (called DVD Tree) was made in Spain. Could anybody tell me how I can get it ?........or give me any informations about it. Thank you 5 Marzo 2006, 11:01:27 |
5153 Mensajes
Every sperm is sacred
A DVD tree is a DVD wich is sent by ordinary mail, but each receiver has to send it again to more people, so it's similar to a tree ( the first one sends 2 copys, then, those 2 people send their copys to another 2 people, and so on....)
5 Marzo 2006, 11:28:44 |
44 Mensajes
OK So each one has to copy this DVD on DVD-R....to send them to another people. Can spanish fans send this copy abroad, for example to Switzerland? ;) .....(my english is a little poor, so I am not sure to understand everything....sorry) 5 Marzo 2006, 11:49:43 |
2146 Mensajes
Don't worry yanouch65, we understand perfectly your english ;)
So, I would send you that DVD tree by mail, but I've not it
Does anybody have it? I want to have it too :D
5 Marzo 2006, 12:30:50 |
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