Froggy Went A-Courting 7" Vinyl Picture Cover (Mike Oldfield Single B-Side)
Enviado por WorldX
sorti dijo:
What are doing these frogs? xD
WorldX dijo:
Courting (a polite way of saying it, i think) :D
sorti dijo:
;) great WorldX, very polite.
tubak dijo:
In spain this cover was censured.
WorldX dijo:
Let's hope Mike-Bell dosen't cesnsor it too xD
tubak dijo:
I don't think that he is so an oppressor... but...
tubak dijo:
The cover was censured in 1974, when Franco was our "boss". The reason was for the "pornographic" tone of the cover... MANDA COJONES (It orders testicles, in english).
OmmaPlat dijo:
Ostras! la censura franquista llegó hasta Oldfield!!!
tubak dijo:
por eso el single español es tan buscado, en su lugar pusieron la foto de oldfield con las palomas.
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